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Hazy, Hot, and Humid with a Chance of Farm Toys

Posted by Christopher Burnett on

As you can tell from the title, the summer heat and humidity are setting in here in Kentucky! During an interesting conversation last summer at a hobby shop in Louisville where I get my paint and metal, the manager made a statement that people in our area retreat to their toy rooms specifically during the cold and snow of winter along with the heat and humidity of summer. That sounds like a great plan! Get out and enjoy the summer heat when you can, and also take some time to enjoy the farm toy hobby as it is a year round enjoyment!
I have mentioned it in the past, summer is normally a time when we do less shows which gives us time to catch up on things around the shop including custom orders and custom stock items. I also mentioned in last weeks blog post that I would be working more on getting some custom items completed to post to the website. It may still take a few weeks to complete that goal, but it is on my to-do list. Please continue to check back with us! 
We continue to update the website, and post new items! This is a continuous project, so once again please check back with us to see restocked and new items.
Our retail/wholesale facility for Burnett Farm Toys, LLC is coming along nicely! The electricity was turned on this week, so inside work will show progress now. The parking lot was rocked this week which is beginning to show more outside progress. Once again, please check back for updates!
I would like to thank all the collectors and farm toy enthusiasts that make this such an enjoyable business! Safe safe, and stay healthy! Lord Bless!
~Christopher Burnett, Owner
P.S. I was in southern Tennessee yesterday buying toy collections from two brothers that worked at an Oliver/New Holland equipment dealership prior to retirement. They were very interesting to visit with including the changes they had seen during their lives. I recently read an article in the Toy Farmer about an Oliver one row corn picker, and one of the brothers remembering selling those new. It is amazing to see how things have progressed from one row pickers to the 16 row corn heads on today's combines! While I was under time restraints with my schedule yesterday, I would have loved to sit down and visit with them more to hear about their experiences in the farm equipment business. Please take some time to visit with older collectors that remember working with the antique equipment, and how that equipment was advanced for their time period. Some of those technological advancements are still in use today. As the saying goes, the more things change the more they stay the same!

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