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Nothing Into Something

Posted by Christopher Burnett on

Continuing to make the best of Covid-19 shutdown by getting in some late spring cleaning!

I was sitting here trying to think of a spectacular introduction for this week's blog, and unfortunately nothing came to me at all!!! My mind was blank, much like the screen I was supposed to be typing this blog on was! That is alright as sometimes there is not much infinite wisdom to bestow upon others! With that being said, I hope everyone is making the best of the shutdown by enjoying their collections and/or catching up past and current Toy Farmer and Toy Trucker magazines. We are doing some late spring/early summer clean up here at Burnett Farm Toys, LLC which usually means you find some odds and ends you forgot you had. That has not been the case this year which is a good thing because I have been able to keep track of in and out of stock items.

We continue to post new items to the website as well as put items back in stock, so please check back from time to time for updates on products.

For those of you that notice, I do not get new "Custom" items added to the website very often and I apologize for that. I got my start in the toy hobby and eventually into the toy business by building custom items, and that is still the part that I enjoy the most! I will be working on some new custom items soon. I will get those items posted to the website so everyone can see them, and not just the people that see us at shows. Normally those items get taken and sold at shows before they ever go to the website. I know that is a good problem to have, but I still want everyone to enjoy seeing those items as much as I enjoy building them!

While late spring/early summer shows have been cancelled, we continue to make plans for late summer and fall shows. Please continue to watch the website for those updates in the coming weeks!

Our retail/wholesale facility is coming along quickly now! The subcontractors are completing the electrical, plumbing, and HVAC work this week. We are hoping to have the electricity turned on to the facility either this week or next. The builder will be working on the parking lot and dirt work next week. The completion is coming quicker than we expected, but that is a good problem to have. Please continue to check back for more updates.

I want to thank everyone for their continued support of Burnett Farm Toys, LLC! We could not do this without you, our loyal customers and loyal collectors that enjoy this hobby as much as we do! Stay safe and healthy, and Lord Bless! 

~Christopher Burnett, Owner, Burnett Farm Toys, LLC

P.S. Spring cleaning has its advantages and disadvantages! First of all, it is good to clean up as "clutter is the enemy of productivity". I do not know who said that, but they were definitely right! It is an advantage as you have things organized to find them easier as well as if you do find something you did not know you had. That was not the case this time for me, but that is alright. The disadvantage is when your joints begin aching from all the manual labor required in cleaning. Case in point was my left knee as it swelled and hurt once I got through jumping in and out of the trailer all day. I spent the next few days rehabbing it by exercise, wearing my compression sleeve, and icing it at nights. Even us toy guys get to feel like real athletes from time to time! 

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