Storefront Furnishings Complete!
Posted by Christopher Burnett on
It has taken time, but the last of the storefront furnishings are installed! See the pictures below. We spent Labor Day weekend building the rest of the pegboards and staining them on Labor Day. After letting them dry, we put them in the storefront this past Saturday. Since the below pictures were taken, we've begun placing the peg hooks and hanging packaged farm toys and Greenlight items. Once we finish cleaning two toy collections this upcoming Saturday and placing those items on the shelves, we'll know a better timeline for our Grand Opening! It's coming!!!!!
The following 1/64 scale items have been pictured and will be posted to the website sometime over the upcoming weekend: various Greenlight and farm toy items, (2) Time D.C. tractor/trailers, (2) KreilKamp Trucking tractor/trailers, (3) Pete 389 63-inch Livestock tractor/trailers, (3) Pete 379 36-inch Flatbed tractor/trailers with a bulkhead headboard, MATS 2020 Show Truck, (1) Pete 379 63-inch Dry Goods Van tractor/trailer, and a Pete 359 63-inch Tautliner tractor/trailer.
We appreciate your continued support of Burnett Farm Toys, LLC! Take care and Lord Bless! ~Christopher Burnett, Owner