The Farm Toy Hobby Is Still Here
Posted by Christopher Burnett on
Due to the cancellation of the Mid-America Trucking Show that was to be held in Louisville, KY the end of March, we will be working diligently to post the products on our website that we ordered in specifically for the MATS show. Please check with us over the next several weeks as we'll be adding new products to our website. Pictures of twelve new DCP sets have been taken and will be posted to our website on/before next Saturday, March 21st.
Update on our retail/warehouse facility - The building crew has begun placing the footers and will hopefully begin pouring concrete soon - weather permitting! We'll keep you posted on the progress with pictures to come!
Please check our blog and facebook page periodically for updates. While we may not enjoy the restrictions on our everyday lives due to the COVID-19 outbreak, please continue to support all small businesses including Burnett Farm Toys, LLC!
We appreciate all your support and business and are excited to continue providing you farm toy and toy truck products!